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Dear Friend of the Greenbelt In my last update I launched an Appeal for funds to pay the £810 cost of a fauna (including bat) survey to complement the flora survey that was carried out on our behalf in June this year. The flora survey was carried out free of charge by a member of the Scottish Wildlife Trust but it has been necessary to engage a professional company to carry out the fauna survey. In the opinion of our experts the fauna survey is critically important to augment the flora survey. We are asking everyone who receives this email to contribute what they can afford towards this outlay. However, as a guide your Steering Committee would suggest a minimum contribution of £5 per person or £10 per household. If you cannot afford £5 please contribute whatever you can, every pound will help; but if you are able to contribute more please do so, as that will offset contributions from those who are in less fortunate circumstances. Our bank account details are as follows: BARCLAYS BANK Sort Code: 20-33-70 Account Number: 40328553 The Account is in my name: Mr Alan Harris; but is subtitled MOC GREENBELT You can use either name (or indeed no account name) to make a payment, so long as you use the Sort Code and Account Number above. If you use the name MOC GREENBELT, then that is what will appear on your bank statement, so that might be preferable for your own reference. If you are asked to quote a reference for the payment, “Donation” will be quite sufficient. There are a number of ways that you can pay directly into our bank account: Internet (Online) Banking from a computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet or similar device; Telephone Banking; In person at any UK Bank. You can go into any branch of your own bank and use your debit card or cash to make a payment to our bank account using the above details; or you can go into any branch of Barclays (even if you don’t bank with them, there is one at 21 Cowgate, Kirkintilloch, open 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday) or any other UK bank and make a cash payment to our account using the same details. No UK bank should charge you for this service. In addition you can make a donation by putting cash in an envelope and putting the envelope through my door at 2 Elizabeth Ave (corner of Laburnum and Elizabeth). PLEASE SEAL THE ENVELOPE AND PUT YOUR NAME ON THE OUTSIDE OR ON A NOTE INSIDE AND ADD YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE THIS EMAIL DIRECTLY FROM ME. All envelopes received this way will be opened in the presence of a third party. All donations will be acknowledged by email. If you make a donation by any of the above methods and do not receive an acknowledgement within 48 hours please email me and I will double check. If you are not satisfied with any response from me you can email our Chair, Dr Morag Campbell on We are prevented by law from undertaking a house to house collection without a licence and do not have time to go through that procedure at present. In any event there is no guarantee that such an application would be successful. Therefore it is very important to us to make the Appeal as widely known as possible. So it would be very helpful if those who use social media could broadcast the Appeal I issued last night along with the payment details or simply ask anyone you know who might want to contribute to contact me at this email address and I will forward the payment details. You can also feel free to forward last night’s email and/or this email to anyone else you know who might be interested in helping our campaign. The bank account and all receipts and payments will be audited by a qualified accountant and the audit will be published on our website Up until now we have not had to ask for money due to the generosity of local citizens and companies who have provided materials and services free of charge; but we feel sure that you will understand that the donations we are soliciting now are a small price to pay in our ongoing battle to preserve the greenbelt on Redmoss Farm. Any surplus above the cost of the fauna survey will be used to fund ongoing activities. If anyone has any ideas for a fund raising event please let me know. Alan S Harris Secretary MOC GREENBELT PRERRVATION

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