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Analysis of the Report on the LDP for the Council Meeting this Thursday shows the following at paragraphs 4.8 to 4.16 (pages 99 - 102). 4.8. In total 781 separate representors responded to the representation (whole of ED) 4.10 States that 122 of 444 that could be identified as from a particular "settlement" i.e. 27.5%, relate to Milton of Campsie 4.12. The 781 representors submitted 2,085 responses. 4.13. The validation stage firstly ensured the removal of responses which were void because they were blank or did not contain enough information to validate the representation. Secondly, the validation stage filtered out a number of responses which were duplications, for example where an individual submitted both a paper and electronic version of the same representation. The consequence of this validation process was that a total of 1,682 responses were taken forward to the allocation stage of processing. 4.14 The 1,682 responses were then allocated into the schedule 4 issues. The purpose of this exercise was to ascertain how many individuals made comment on a particular issue. Many respondents submitted multiple responses about the same issue in different representation forms. These responses were therefore included in one issue and set out as various sub-issues within the issue. For example responses covered various sub-issues relating to specific development sites such as Redmoss Farm. Other responses contained comments on a number of distinct issues. This meant that responses were split and allocated to the appropriate issue. As a result the final number of representors in respect of Redmoss Farm is stated to be 269. This includes the petition of 333 names counted as one. On this basis the total for ED is 1223; so we are 22%. 4.15 Table shows 699 of these 1682 responses were from Milton of Campsie i.e. 42% This exceeds my wildest expectations which were for around 500 separate responses. 4.16. However, the Scottish Government Department for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA) have advised that the number of Schedule 4 Forms should be reduced and issues combined. In particular, the DPEA advised that individual sites should not have their own Schedule 4 Form. This has therefore resulted in a reduction in the number of representations per issue as in some instances the same representor had submitted responses to all of the combined issues which then went on to be merged. The total number of representors commenting on each of the Schedule 4 Forms is 1,089 but our total is still 269 i.e. 25%. It should also be noted that the final total of 1089 includes 245 Supporting Regeneration and Protection of the Green Belt and a 575 commenting on other issues. In terms of representations on the house building sites themselves we account for 269 out of 630, which is 43%. We have twice as many objections as the next highest number which is Milngavie with 145. Summary 42% of all the responses to the LDP, 43% of objections to house building sites and 25% of the respondents were from Milton of Campsie. Well done and thanks people!!

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